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Curry, C.M., Des Brisay, P.G., Rosa, P., and Koper, N. 2018. Noise source and individual physiology mediate effectiveness of bird songs adjusted to anthropogenic noise. Scientific Reports, 8: 3942. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-22253-5.


Ng, C., and Koper, N. 2018. The risks of perceived risks: chestnut-collared longspurs reduce parental care in the presence of conventional oil and gas infrastructure, roads, and industrial noise. Animal Behaviour, 21 pp. Accepted October 28, 2018.


Ribic, C.A., Ng., C.S., Koper, N., Ellison, K., Pietz, P.J., Rugg, D.J. 2018. Diel fledging patterns among grassland passerines: relative impacts of energetics and predation risk. Auk, 135: 1100-1112.

Lockhart, J.K. and Koper, N. 2018. Abundance and occurrence of northern mixed-grass prairie songbirds are more strongly influenced by grassland fragmentation than grassland amount. Landscape Ecology. 42 pp. Accepted July 4, 2018.


Nenninger, H. and Koper, N. 2018. Effects of conventional oil wells on grassland songbird abundance are caused by presence of infrastructure, not noise. Biological Conservation, 218: 124-133.


Rosa, P. and Koper, N. 2018. Integrating multiple disciplines to understand effects of anthropogenic noise on animal communication. Ecosphere. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2127.


Antze, B. and Koper, N. 2018. Noisy anthropogenic infrastructure interferes with alarm responses in Savannah sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Royal Society Open Science, 5(5): 172168. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.172168.


Warrington, M.H., Curry, C.M., Antze, B., and Koper, N. 2018. Noise from four types of extractive energy infrastructure affects song features in Savannah Sparrows. Condor: Ornithological Applications, 120:1-15.


Moulton, L., Vallender, R., Artuso, C., and Koper, N. 2018. The final frontier: Early-stage genetic introgression and hybrid habitat use in the northwestern extent of the Golden-winged Warbler breeding range. Conservation Genetics. (2017). doi:10.1007/s10592-017-0989-8.


Carnochan, S. J., De Ruyck, C., and Koper, N. 2018. Effects of twice-over rotational grazing on songbird nesting success in years with and without flooding. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 23 pp. Accepted May 8, 2018.


Ng., C.S., Duncan, J.R., and Koper, N. 2018. Who’s hooting: Motivations and scientific attitudes of Manitoban citizen science owl surveyors. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 13(2): 9.


Bannerman, J.A., McCornack, B.P., Ragsdale, D.W., Koper, N., and Costamagna, A.C. 2018. Predators and summer alate aphid immigration influence the season-long dynamics of soybean aphid (Hemiptera: aphididae). Biological Control, 117: 87-98.


Xu, D., Koper, N., and Guo, X. 2018. Quantifying the influences of grazing, climate and their interactions using Landsat TM images. Grassland Science, 64(2): 118-127.

Curry, C.M., Antze, B., Warrington, M.H., Des Brisay., P., Rosa, P. and Koper, N. 2017. Ability to alter song in two grassland songbirds exposed to simulated anthropogenic noise is not related to pre-existing variability. Bioacoustics.  27(2): 105-130. DOI: 10.1080/09524622.2017.1289123.

Yoo, J., and Koper, N. 2017. The effects of natural gas well pads and associated roads on grassland songbird reproductive success in Alberta, Canada. PlosONE. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0174243.


Rodgers, J.A. and Koper, N. 2017. Effects of shallow gas development on grassland songbirds: the importance of perches. Journal of Wildlife Management, 81:406-416.


Bernath-Plaisted, J., Nenninger, H., and Koper, N. 2017. Oil wells and natural gas compressor stations increase brown-headed cowbird (Molothrus ater) density and parasitism rates in mixed-grass prairie. Royal Society Open Science, 4: 170036. DOI:10.1098/rsos.170036


Leston, L. F. V. and Koper, N. 2017. Managing urban and rural rights-of-way as potential habitats for grassland birds. Avian Conservation and Ecology 12 (2):4. [online] URL:


Ethier, D.M., Koper, N., and Nudds, T.D. 2017. Spatio-temporal variation in mechanisms driving regional-scale population dynamics of Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorous). Ecology and Evolution, 35 pp. Accepted March 26 2017.


Leston, L. and Koper, N. 2017. Urban rights-of-way as extensive butterfly habitats: a case study from Winnipeg, Canada. Landscape and Urban Planning, 157: 56-62.


Bernath-Plaisted, J. and Koper, N. 2016. Physical footprint of oil and gas infrastructure, not anthropogenic noise, reduces nesting success of some grassland songbirds. Biological Conservation, 204: 434-441.

Koper, N., Leston, L., Baker, T., Curry, C., Rosa, P. 2016. Effects of ambient noise on detectability and localization of avian songs and tones by observers in grasslands. Ecology and Evolution, 6: 245-255. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1847.


Leston, L. and Koper, N. 2016. Urban Rights-of-way as Reservoirs for Tall-grass Prairie Plants and Butterflies. Environmental Management, 57: 543-557.


Pipher, E.N., Curry, C.M., and Koper, N. 2016. Cattle grazing intensity and duration have varied effects on songbird nest survival in mixed-grass prairies. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 69: 437-443.


Sliwinski, M.S., Powell, L., Koper, N., Giovanni, M., and Schacht, W. 2015. Research design considerations to ensure detection of all species in an avian community. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 7: 456-462.


Lipsey, M.K., Doherty, K.E., Naugle, D.E., Fields, S., Evans, J.S., Davis, S.K., and Koper, N. 2015. One step ahead of the plow: Using cropland conversion risk to guide Sprague's Pipit conservation in the northern Great Plains. Biological Conservation, 191: 739-749.


Sliwinski, M. and N. Koper. 2015. Managing mixed-grass prairies for songbirds using variable cattle stocking rates. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 68: 470-475.


Lwiwski, T., Koper, N., and Henderson, D.C. 2015. Differential effects of climate, grazing duration, and stocking rate on vegetation in northern mixed-grass prairie. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 68: 322-331.


Rosa, P., Swider, C.R., Leston, L., and Koper, N. 2015. Disentangling effects of noise from presence of anthropogenic infrastructure: design and testing of infrastructure for large-scale playback experiments. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 39: 364-372.


Moldowan, P.D., Keevil, M.G., Koper, N., Brooks, R.J., Litzgus, J.D. 2015. Growth, sexual maturity, and reproduction of a female midland painted turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata) afflicted with kyphosis. Chelonian Conservation and Biology, 14:157-160.

Bleho, B.I., Koper, N., Borkowsky, C.L., and Hamel, C.D. 2015. Effects of Weather and Land Management on the Western Prairie Fringed-orchid (Platanthera praeclara) at the Northern Limit of its Range in Manitoba, Canada. American Midland Naturalist, 174:191-203.


Leston, L., Koper, N., and Rosa, P. 2015. Perceptibility of prairie songbirds using double-observer point-counts. Great Plains Research. 25: 53-61.


Koper, N., Molloy, K., Leston, L., and Yoo, J. 2014. Effects of livestock grazing and well construction on prairie vegetation structure surrounding shallow natural gas wells. Environmental Management, 54:1131–1138.

Bleho., B., Koper, N., and Machtans, C. 2014. Direct effects of cattle on grassland birds in Canada. Conservation Biology. 28: 724-734. DOI: 10.1111/cobi.12259


Wang, X., Blanchet, G., Koper, N. 2014. Measuring habitat fragmentation: An evaluation of landscape pattern metrics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 5(7): 634-646.


Bylo, L.N., Koper, N., and Molloy, K. 2014. Grazing intensity influences ground squirrel and American badger habitat use in mixed-grass prairies. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 67: 247-254.


La Porte, N., Koper, N., and Leston, L. 2014. Revisiting the Nesting Ecology of the Western Grebe after 40 Years of Environmental Changes at Delta Marsh, Manitoba. Waterbirds. 37: 30-42.

Martin, K., Koper, N., and Bazin, R. 2014. Optimizing Repeat-Visit, Call-Broadcast Nocturnal Surveys for Yellow Rails (Coturnicops noveboracensis). Waterbirds, 37: 68-78.


Krause-Danielsen, A., Rutherford, P., and Koper, N. 2014. The importance of vegetation structure and artificial cover for prairie skinks (Plestiodon septentrionalis) on exurban land. Journal of Herpetology. 48(1): 67-73.

Henderson, D.C., and Koper, N. 2014. Historic Distribution and Ecology of Tall-Grass Prairie in Western Canada. Prairie Naturalist. Proceedings of the North American Prairie Conference: 40-49.


Richardson, A. N., Koper, N. and White, K.A. 2014. Interactions between ecological disturbances: burning and grazing and their effects on songbird communities in northern mixed-grass prairies. Avian Conservation and Ecology 9 (2): 5. [online] URL:


Van Wilgenburg, S., Hobson, K., Bayne, E., Koper, N. 2013. Estimated avian nest loss associated with oil and gas exploration and extraction in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. Avian Conservation and Ecology. 8:9 (18 pp). URL:


Lusk, J. and Koper, N. 2013. Grazing and Songbird Nest Survival in Southwestern Saskatchewan. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 66: 401–409.


De Ruyck, C., Hobson, K.A., Koper, N., Larson, K.W., and L. I. Wassenaar. 2013.  An appraisal of the use of hydrogen-isotope methods to delinieate origins of migratory saw-whet owls in North America. Condor. 115:366-374.

Sliwinski, M., and Koper, N. 2012. Grassland bird responses to three edge types relative to display height, resource-use, and territory sizes in a fragmented mixed-grass prairie. Avian Conservation and Ecology, 7 (2): 6 URL: http://www.ace-eco.okoperrg/vol7/iss2/art6/


Ranellucci, C., Koper, N., and Henderson, D.C. 2012. Twice-over rotational grazing and its impacts on grassland songbird abundance and habitat structure. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 65: 109-118.


Baschuk, M., Koper, N., Wrubleski, D.A., and Goldsborough, G. 2012. Effects of water depth, cover, and food resources on habitat use of marsh birds and waterfowl in boreal wetlands of Manitoba, Canada. Waterbirds, 35:44-55.


De Ruyck, C., Duncan, J., and Koper, N. 2012. Northern saw-whet owl migratory behaviour, demographics, and population trends in Manitoba. Journal of Raptor Research, 46: 84-97.


Koper, N. and Manseau, M. 2012. A guide to developing resource selection functions with satellite telemetry data. Rangifer, Special Issue No. 20: 195-203.


Bruinsma, D. and Koper, N. 2012. Review of conspecific attraction and area sensitivity of grassland birds. Great Plains Research, 22:187-194.


Koper, N. 2011. Introducing conservation livestock grazing in protected mixed-grass prairies: Grasslands National Park of Canada. In, A Paradigm shift in livestock management: from resource sufficiency to functional integrity. Ed.: Kammili, T., Hubert, B., and Tourrand, J-F. Cardère éditeur Lirac, France. 97 - 115. (invited)


Koper, N., Mozel, K.E., and Henderson, D.C. 2010. Recent declines in northern tall-grass prairies and effects of patch structure on community persistence. Biological Conservation, 143: 220-229.


Barnett, A.G., Koper, N., Dobson, A.J., Manseau, M., and Schmiegelow, F.K.A. 2010. Selecting the correct variance-covariance structure for longitudinal data in ecology: a comparison of Akaike, quasi-information and deviance information criteria. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 1: 15-24.


Koper, N. and Manseau, M. 2009. Generalized estimating equations and generalized linear mixed-effects models for modeling resource selection. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46: 590-599.


Koper, N., Walker, D.J., and Champagne, J. 2009. Nonlinear effects of distance to habitat edge on Sprague’s pipits in southern Alberta, Canada. Landscape Ecology, 24: 1287-1297.


Smith, A. C., Koper, N., Francis, C. M., and Fahrig, L. 2009. Confronting collinearity: comparing methods for disentangling effects of habitat loss and fragmentation. Landscape Ecology, 24: 1271-1285.


Koper, N., Henderson, D., Wilmshurst, J., Fargey, P., and Sissons, R. 2008. Design and analysis of rangeland experiments along continuous gradients. Rangeland Ecology and Management, 61(6): 605-613.


Koper, N. and Schmiegelow, F.K.A. 2007. Does habitat management for duck productivity affect songbird nesting success? Journal of Wildlife Management, 71: 2249-2257.


Koper, N., Schmiegelow, F.K.A., and Merrill, E.H. 2007. Residuals cannot distinguish between ecological effects of habitat amount and fragmentation: implications for the debate. Landscape Ecology, 22: 811-820.


Koper, N., and Schmiegelow, F.K.A. 2006. A multi-scaled analysis of avian response to habitat amount and fragmentation in the Canadian dry mixed-grass prairie. Landscape Ecology, 21: 1045-1059.


Koper, N., and Schmiegelow, F.K.A. 2006. Effects of habitat management for ducks on target and non-target species. Journal of Wildlife Management, 70(3): 823-834.


Stephenson, G.L., Princz J.I., Koper, N., Miasek, P.G. 2001. Terrestrial toxicity testing with volatile substances. In, Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment:  Science, Policy, and Standardization – Implications for Environmental Decisions:  Tenth Volume, ASTM STP 1403, B. M. Greenberg, R. N. Hull, M. H. Roberts, Jr., and R. W. Gensemer, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2001: 230-252.


Stephenson, G.L., Feisthauer, N.C., Koper, N., McCann, J.H., and Scroggins, R.P. 2001. The influence of four types of water on seedling emergence and growth of barley and the toxic interaction with Copper Sulfate. In, Environmental Toxicology and Risk Assessment: Science, Policy and Standardization – Implications for Environmental Decisions: Tenth Volume, ASTM STP 1403, B.M. Greenberg, R.N. Hull, M.H. Roberts, Jr., and R.W. Gensemer, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, 2001: 134-145.


Koper, N., and Brooks, R.J. 2000. Environmental constraints on growth of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta) in northern climates. Herpetologica, 56(4): 421-432.


Stephenson, G.L., Koper, N., Atkinson, G.F., Solomon, K.R., and Scroggins, R.P. 2000. Use of nonlinear regression techniques for describing concentration-response relationships for plant species exposed to contaminated site soils. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 19(12): 2968-2981.


Koper, N., and Brooks, R.J. 1998. Population estimators and unequal catchability in painted turtles. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 76(3): 458-465.


Krawchuk, M.A., Koper, N., and Brooks, R. J. 1997. Observations of a possible cleaning symbiosis between Painted Turtles, Chrysemys picta, and Snapping Turtles, Chelydra serpentina, in central Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 111(2): 315-317.


Brooks, R.J., Krawchuk, M.A., Stevens, C., and Koper, N. 1997. Testing the precision and accuracy of age estimation using lines in scutes of Chelydra serpentina and Chrysemys picta. Journal of Herpetology, 31(4): 521-529.





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