University of Manitoba

Landscape Ecology, Songbird Conservation and Prairie Ecosystems
The Koper Lab at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Manitoba, is interested in research that is theoretically relevant and innovative, but that also directly contributes to environmental and natural resources conservation and management. Current primary projects address grassland bird conservation in Canada and conservation initiatives in the Caribbean country Grenada. We are particularly interested in effects on birds of industrial noise, petroleum and natural gas infrastructure, and agroecosystems. Although our focus is on ecology and conservation biology, we regularly conduct projects developing and evaluating environmental statistics and study designs to maximize the quality of our empirical research. Our work is primarily field-based, supported by statistical modeling and GIS analyses.
The Koper Lab at the Natural Resources Institute (NRI), University of Manitoba, is interested in research that is theoretically relevant and innovative, but that also directly contributes to environmental and natural resources conservation and management. Current primary projects address grassland bird conservation in Canada and conservation initiatives in the Caribbean country Grenada. We are particularly interested in effects on birds of industrial noise, petroleum and natural gas infrastructure, and agroecosystems. Although our focus is on ecology and conservation biology, we regularly conduct projects developing and evaluating environmental statistics and study designs to maximize the quality of our empirical research. Our work is primarily field-based, supported by statistical modeling and GIS analyses.
70 Dysart Road
Natural Resources Institute
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, MB
(204) 474-8768